Wall Wraps & Feature Decor
Interior decor feature finishes, wall art, prints, wall wraps & panels, receptions.
Feature, interior, decor, receptions, coverings & finishing solutions, graphics, displays, wall wraps, murals
Wall Wraps & Feature Decor
Interior decor feature finishes, wall art, prints, wall wraps & panels, receptions.
Utilising specialist materials and clever techniques, we can create a range of stunning interior and exterior decor effects and displays. Wall wraps & murals, printed and textured wall & floor graphics, grained and patterned coverings, 3D embossed decorative feature wall panels, canvases, mounted photo prints, giant pictures & retail graphics and even refresh tired partitions and counters.
Advertise products & generate brand awareness, create a space, feature wall or focal point. Generate a mood, ambiance or motivational piece for your working environment; perhaps some digital art canvas or acrylic block prints for corporate decoration and promotion. High impact marketing, contemporary & fashionable, decorative & enhancing, relaxing & tranquil. Create the atmosphere you desire.If you have a project, we have exciting solutions, just get in touch for more information.
Choose from a selection of stock imagery or create your own bespoke pieces to impress guests, visitors and customers. For almost any surface: smooth painted, wood, vinyl, textured, drywall, glass, brick, block or concrete - we have a solution. For use in industrial, retail and home environments, we've got it covered.